Category: Construction

New ramp for St Pauls
The St. Paul’s Cathedral commissioned the Rocky Men’s Shed to construct a ramp for the side entrance to the cathedral and with the supply of material from InfoBuild we were able to construct the ramp shown below. With the Utility supplied by our shirt sponsor GladRock Transport we were able to deliver it. The ramp […]

The Art Studio takes shape
Over the weekend of 9th & 10th of July we were able to take the first steps in getting the art studio to start to take its first steps to start to look what it is supposed to look like look out for our next post on the Art Studio where we will be able […]
The fit out continues
This week saw the fit out of the Shower / Toilet as well as the Ladies Auxiliary Storeroom progress a little further with the plumbing being passed by Council thanks to the help of Reg and our band of merry men who are helping to bring this to a conclusion

VOaD Recovery Training Meeting
Photos of the VOaD held on the 7th June 2022 The Rocky Men’s Shed had 14 of the members in attendance out of 18 in total showing the commitment of our shed to the disaster recovery program including our Ladies Auxiliary. As well Barry has hug the AMSA Flag above the entrance door to the […]

More works inside – fit out of the Toilet/Bathroom plus more tempting info for you.
The guys have been busy fitting out the Toilet/ Bathroom on Friday this week Gary, Peter, Ross & Zac all put in a good days work fitting out the above area ready for the tiler to do the waterproofing the shower ready to fit the shower screen as we put the funding in placed to […]

The guys start to sheet the walls in building 2

Finally, the piece de resistance is being built
After a long wait, we are finally seeing the Community Center being built at CQ University. to find us enter the University by the rear entrance off Norman Rd, come down the road into the University and as you come down the hill look to your left and you will seed the buildings that have […]

Tardis a Project for Next Year

More photos of the shed construction & trenching the electrics
Photos of the second shed & its infrastructure going in