The Rockhampton Base Hospital has made a significant donation to our Men’s Shed by doing a complete refit of our first aid room thanks go to Darren & Peter from Enviromental Services for their ongoing help & support.
Author: James Lawler
News from our friends in the west
Our latest edition from The Midland Sher in WA
RIP Roger Pound
In Remembrance of one of our founding members Roger Pound who passed away on Saturday 24th September 2022 Roger was a founding member of The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. and was instrumental in moving the motion to close down the original organization The National Union of Retired Workers Inc. transferring the assets and funds from […]
Breezeway finally gets its concrete cover
Below are pictures of our breezeway it makes an immense difference to our complex Breesway

Happy belated Birthday wished Ros
Below is a picture of Ross cutting his birthday cake with Bruce looking on, a couplbe of weeks ago for several reasons I haved not had the time to catch up with theser smal but important jobs. Also is a picture of the sign Ross & Peter rebuilt at Kelleys Corner for those out at […]

Boys & their toys
This week we added a new pipe bender to our ever growing list of machinery below are some photo shots of the guys trying it out. As well as Marion giving instructions on how to use it. Things are as they are as they are.

The Art Studio takes shape
Over the weekend of 9th & 10th of July we were able to take the first steps in getting the art studio to start to take its first steps to start to look what it is supposed to look like look out for our next post on the Art Studio where we will be able […]

New wall added to the Ladies Auxiliary Arts Room
Thanks to Reg we have now put all the paintings that the ladies have painted on display on the feature wall Reg
Present for Fathers day
We were asked to make some holders for Fathers Day so we took on the task and Reg did the majority of the task. Below is the result

It’s that time again
Below is a notice from the Treasurer our fees are now due and payable please take note of the due date