The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. was started by a group of retired men who wanted to put something back into the community.
The core reason in building the new sheds (which will include a facility for women) is to combat the loneliness that is becoming a problem in Rockhampton and will give everyone who needs someone to talk to as well as somewhere to use their skills they have, to put them to good use to help our community by helping to build a numerous amount of items that may be required.
It has been found that a men’s shed can be anything you want it to be, and in saying that – our ultimate goal is to create more of community organization.
Men’s Sheds had developed, often quite spontaneously, in many different areas of Australia over a number of years before AMSA was created.
These notes are not intended to be a history of how Men’s Sheds developed but are purely limited to the events involved in the creation and development of AMSA.
The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. (RMS) is a community organization to assist men who have certain particular skills in Wood (Carpentry), Metal, and Arts and Craft work, and to provide those skills to the community – while the group focuses on retired Men, the organisation, however, accepts all ages of people.
Membership is open to anyone who wishes to join as lpng as th eprospective member meets the criteria of thr Men’s Sheds– there is a minimal joining fee so that everyone can become fully participating members regardless of their age ( under the age of 18 to participate in the Men’s Shed) or background.