Month: December 2022

Terry Dunn’s column in CQ Today 29th Dec 2022
Terry Dunn did some research on the sheds in the CQ region in early December and wrote this column.
Some photos of the table Reg made for his granddaughter

Year End Break Up 2022
Some photos taken in shed 3 (No Power at this stage) of our year end breakup of the regulars

Christmas closure dates
The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. wishes all our supporters’ members’ and those who have donated to our project this year to all of you a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year. The Rocky Men’s Shed will be closed over the Christmas New Year period from December 22nd till January 9th, 2023
Brian Bartlett
Well, it was good to catch up with Brian at Stockland’s the other day he has been through a lot since we last saw him, he is now on a small, motorized chair to allow him to get around. He is involved in the disabled disaster management similar to what the Men’s Shed is, with […]
In remembrance Of Roger Pound
The guys in the shed have named Roger’s Corner near the entrance where he would sit each Wednesday and have a cup of tea and have a chat with anyone who sat down with him. In the early days Roger was always there to lend a hand with anything that needed doing from painting to […]

Some of the items we made at the end of the year
Blanket Box, Planter, Boxes, Dolls House & the slab for the generator to house it for The Disaster Management Group to be used in an emergency in case of power outages at the university during Cyclones, Floods, Cyclones Etc.

Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. 2022 Christmas Party
The Ladies Auxiliary of The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. organized a Christmas Party at Schotia Place this year the venue was an excellent choice for us. It allowed us plenty of room to move around as well we were surprised at the amount of help; we were given unloading the Christmas gifts and other equipment […]