15 March 2025

Finally, the piece de resistance is being built

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After a long wait, we are finally seeing the Community Center being built at CQ University. to find us enter the University by the rear entrance off Norman Rd, come down the road into the University and as you come down the hill look to your left and you will seed the buildings that have been built to help raise money to help those who are struggling in the community as well they will assist in disasters in the district when we experience them through our Councils initiative of VOAD ( Volunteers in Active Disaster). So come and have a look you might be surprised. The last of our 3 sheds have been completed look at the next installment for the completed sheds now we move on to funding the internal fit-out such as the First Ad Room, Storeroom. Office, 3D Print Room, Board Room, Kitchen, Coldroom, Generator, internal walls, etc. See below