Below is the February News from our friends at The Midland Shed in WA

Shoulder to Shoulder
Below is the February News from our friends at The Midland Shed in WA
The Rocky Men’s Shed made a donation of a coffee table to the Apex Club of Rockhampton for them to Auction at their event at the Great Western Hotel. Below is a photo of the winner & the table she won on the night
Well we have the place for you. Come and see us at the Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. Yes we do cater for ladies as well as men. We are open Monday to Thursday mornings at our new facilities on campus at the CQ University on the North Rockhampton Campus, where we are building 3 new […]
I found an old book in some boxes we had been donated and thought that we might reminisce on some old stories, jokes & poems from Warren’s book. On thed Land by Warren Fahey A Big Station A shearer was out west looking for work when he came across a large mob of sheep which […]
The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. started operations at our new shed on the 4th January with few problems.
Gallery of some of the goods & equipment from the Ladies Auxiliary
Well we finally got started in our new workshop on the 4th January and our members who are back from holidays have started i/n a big way with 3 new members Ross, Peter & Bob who donated all his equipment to us and it will be a big boost to our guys with a new […]
We have finally started to move our equipment from the old dog box at building 72 to our new sheds opposite the football field and so far most things have progressed smoothly. But give it time I am sure something will go wrong there are too many hurdles to go over yet, as we still […]