It was our great honor recently to spend a small amount of time with the newly appointed Governor Janet Young. What a wonderful Lady she is. I found her so interesting to talk to I forgot to take any pictures except for one I snapped quickly before she was whisked away to meet others in attendance. I was astounded when Janet made a beeline for Marion & Myself as soon as she completed her speech. Janet was not concerned when she found out that Marion was our Secretary-Treasurer and spent some 15 minutes talking to us about our Men’s Shed and congratulated Marion in particular for raising the funds to build our 3 sheds at CQ University. She also gave me a pat on the back for putting such a professional committee together from a vast group of members. I have been fortunate with my background in Management helping me find the right person to fit the right position. As we progress these people will come to the fore in the coming months & years. However back to the Governor and her thoughts about our shed. I managed to thank her on behalf of our shed for the excellent work she has done managing the Covid 19 crisis in Queensland and I am sure she will do an equally good a job as our Governor. I found her very down-to-earth and a person who is willing to listen to the ordinary folk in the street. I certainly hope we will get to see more of her in Rockhampton during her time as Governor. The Premier has made a very good choice in appointing her to this position.
Jim Lawler
Chairman Rocky Men’s Shed Inc.