15 March 2025

Article from this week’s CQ Today

Sharing is caring!

To those who thought that our dream to build 3 sheds at the CQ University was just a pipe dream, we have now built 2 of the sheds and have secured the funding for the third shed with the help of The Iwasaki Foundation.

The Community of Rockhampton will benefit from this complex. Our thanks go to our Secretary-Treasurer Marion Lawler who has been instrumental in obtaining the funding for the 3 sheds as well as her good management of our finances so we were able to fund the sewer, water & electricity. as well our of our funds not bad for a Rockhampton girl who left here over 45 years ago and came back with me to put this project together with the help of a dedicated group of guys at The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. who helped by keeping the shed going while the committee worked with her to put this together.
