Just a reminder that the AGM for the Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc will be held in our new uncompleted building on Darumbal Rd. at 9am on the 28th October ( Wednesday ). Please ensure you are financial.to attend. Thank You

Shoulder to Shoulder
Just a reminder that the AGM for the Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc will be held in our new uncompleted building on Darumbal Rd. at 9am on the 28th October ( Wednesday ). Please ensure you are financial.to attend. Thank You
Happy Birthday to the following members of the shed for October Trevor Brisbin Peter Riddle Maureen Swadling
When thinking about your ideas remember others have ideas also
This is a a picture of our very special member Trevor Brisbin painting a step at the shed
Today The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. received notification from the Australian Tax Office on a letter dated 6th October 2020 that we were in the frontline of the Men’s Sheds receiving the DGR’s in Queensland. Below is the Official notification from The ATO
Below is the October edition of The Midland News
The date of the next AGM of the Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. will be held as follows.
Well this is good news The Big Bang has finally hit Rocky For the information of our members The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. has been notified by the ATO today, Tuesday 6th October 2020 that it has been granted Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status effective from 1st October 2020. What does this mean to prospective […]
http://mensshed.org/theshedwireless/ link to the shed wireless Page 5 of The Shed News contains the information on the DGR. This information is for our Members & Friends The Pdf further pages can be followed by activating the arrow at the bottom left hand corner of the page.