This information has been supplied by John Schalch from Brittany Lauga’s Office our thanks go to John for finding this out for us

“In this regard, we direct you to the Queensland Government Non-essential business, activity and undertaking Closure Direction which was made in accordance with emergency powers arising from the declared public health emergency (see Non-essential business, activity and undertaking Closure Direction (No.9) (Direction).
The Direction applies from the time of publication until the end of the declared public health emergency, unless it is revoked or replaced.
The Direction states that a person who owns, controls or operates a non-essential business, activity, or undertaking in the State of Queensland, including operating at a private residence, must not operate the business, activity or undertaking, subject to the outlined exceptions.
The definition of a non-essential business, activity, or undertaking which must not be operate includes: Community facilities (such as community halls, clubs, RSLs, PCYCs)
A Men’s Shed would likely fall within the definition of “community facilities”.
The Direction provides for the following exception: Community hubs in remote communities may continue to operate if they are essential for distributing health or medical information or education to the community, with social distancing observed.
Community facilities may continue to operate if they provide formal out of school hours care, with social distancing observed.
Unless this exception applies to your local Men’s Shed, then it must remain closed until this Direction is revoked or replaced.
When the Direction is revoked or replaced, the following information available on the Australian Men’s Shed Association website will be helpful to navigate the process of re-opening safely and legally: Getting back to the Shed Guide
The Australian Men’s Shed Association website also provides the following information regarding re-opening and insurance aspects (see here):
For Sheds who are covered by the AMSA Group Insurance Scheme, it is up to the committee members to ensure they are complying with the relevant legislation of their locality prior to allowing activities of any description to resume. If members are acting legally, then subject to the terms and conditions of each policy, they can expect coverage of the relevant insurance policy to afford protection. For those Sheds with other insurance coverage, we recommend that you contact your insurer for further information.
We’re all eager to return to the Sheds, but remember the advice from the National Cabinet is very clear: continued success against COVID-19 is about collective action and depends on maintaining our new community norms – physical distancing, good hygiene practices and downloading the COVIDSafe app to keep us all safe while we are out and about. You can stay up to date with daily updates from the Federal Department of Health here.
The Australian Men’s Shed Association will continue to stay in touch with members to provide information and updates as they are relevant. Our office is open to help, can contact us on 1300 550 009 or at