Here for you information is the news from our friends in the west. I hope you enjoy the read. This is the May 2020 edition

Shoulder to Shoulder
Here for you information is the news from our friends in the west. I hope you enjoy the read. This is the May 2020 edition
This plan below sets out The Rockhampton Men’s Shed’s ambitious plan to help get Rocky back on its feet post Corona Virus. Please click the arrow in the bottom left hand corner to turn the page of the above document The sewer line is 85 mtrs long and will form the next stage of the […]
The Latest information from AMSA Above is the latest information from AMSA for your information Jim
Sorry this is a little late This is the latest news from The Midland Shed in Western Australia
I have attached this video for your information so you may gain an understanding on how the corona virus effects us and what can happen if we don’t all self isolate and look after our hygiene. the Doctor in this video explains it in great detail
Trevor Brisban’s daughter is getting her locks cut of to help raise funds for the Leukemia Foundation. For those who don’t know Trevor lost his wife Linda to Leukemia last year when she was suddenly taken to Brisbane with this terrible disease so Candice is asking those who can dig deep and donate. The time […]