15 March 2025

Temporary Shed Closure

Sharing is caring!

The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc.has followed a direction of our National Office and have temporally restricted access to our shed and until further advice from our National Office and at the direction of our members, will at the direction of our executive, only be doing work for Home Assist which is an essential service that we do. What will happen in this case will be that I will organise for 2 of our members to attend the building with myself or our vice president Les Brooks and carry out the required work. This will keep our operations to a minimum during this very worrying time.I hope all at the people of the Rockhampton & Livingstone areas and indeed all in Queensland and Australia keep safe and we all come through this.

Jim Lawler President

Notice from AMSA Head Office

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – Temporary Shed Closures
The health and well being of the Men’s Shed community is of the highest priority to the Australian Men’s Shed Association. Following last night’s Federal Government advice on non-essential services, we recommend that Men’s Shed Management Committees implement a temporary closure of all Men’s Sheds, to be reviewed as further advice is provided by the Government. For the latest Federal Government information please refer to the Federal Department of Health website:
www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert During this closure, we encourage Shedders to maintain contact with each other via phone, email or social media – look out for your mates. We are working on a number of new initiatives to be launched within the coming weeks, aimed at helping Shedders to remain socially connected during this time of isolation. We are also maintaining our support services. Please contact us on amsa@mensshed.net or call 1300 550 009 For the latest information and updates on coronavirus: Visit www.health.gov.auPhone the National Coronavirus Health Information Line (1800 020 080). The information line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.The phone number of your state or territory public health agency is available at www.health.gov.au/state-territory-contacts If you have concerns about your health, speak to your doctor. Government advice and directives are being reviewed regularly. You can stay up to date with the recommendations provided by the Federal Department of Health at www.health.gov.au. Take care, look out for each other and stay in contact with your friends and family.