15 March 2025


Sharing is caring!

Hi Everyone

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this request.

We are embarking on another small fundraising exercise to help with the cost of connecting the water and sewerage to our first shed. – the land has been cleared and compacted ready for putting down the concrete slab.  However, there are certain things which have to be finalised before the concreting can happen e.g. the preparation for the water, sewerage and electricity.

We have funds to complete the concrete slabs on two sheds and funds to erect the first shed and the money for the foundation work thanks to the many community minded individuals and business in the Rockhampton District However, we do not have the funds to connect the utilities (water, sewerage and power)  to the shed on completion of the erection. This cost is approximately $55,000 to complete the sewerage, plumbing and electricity supply and is exclusive of funds that have been expended by our Association. Obviously these utilities have to be in place before our building can be occupied.

This is where you – our members and supporters come in – we are asking if you would consider a donation of any amount large or small .  This donation can be made through our “Go Fund Me Portal on our webpage or banked directly to our bank account – Bendigo Bank  BSB 633000 a/c 151516416 Rockhampton “Men’s Shed Inc.  Should you wish to have a Tax Invoice for your donation, please contact the Secretary for details on how to obtain this.

If you feel you are unable to donate because of the fact that you have already contributed or other reasons such as time given to assist with the build, we ask that you pass this request onto others you may have on your email listings or others who may wish to support our Shed and this Community Project.

The possibilities for our Men’s Shed Project are not only limited to members who will be using the Sheds but it is also a means of helping the whole of the Rockhampton and District and Community.  Our Shed not only accepts donations of money and help, it also gives back to the Community with aid to Drought relief, Flood and Fire relief, the STEPS Program (mature age students) and also assistance we have in place for the physical handicapped with what we do for the Home Assist Council Program to name a few.   

Once our buildings are completed the Projects which had been placed on hold will be re-introduced. This will help those persons who want to attend the Shed to enjoy the social atmosphere, use their skills/or learn new skills to work with different woods and metal or just come along for a cuppa and a chat.

The Iwasaki Foundation have the naming rights on the first building through their generous donation for the purchase, and erection of it, this is a first step in recognising what others may do to help with this Community Project.