Category: Presentations

We receive a donation from the staff at the Commonwealth Bank – Stockland’s
Hi Everyone on Monday 7th June the staff at the Commonwealth Bank at Stockland’s kindly gave us a donation of $500 to help with the funding of our water & power infrastructure on the shed project we are gradually working towards finishing. We are very close to putting it all together so we will be […]

Winner of The Raffle kindly donated by Michael Gorman
Our Thanks go out to Michael Gorman & Murray Smith in organising the raffle of an esky donated by Hastings Deering and a Fishing Shirt & Net. The winner was Clint Fisher from Berserker. Well done all for a difficult one to organise. Clint Fisher Winner of the Fishing Raffle

Life Membership Award
Below is the presentation by Kim Harrington Vice Chancellor CQ University (Patron) to Jim Lawler President & Chairman of the Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. for his service & dedication to build the shed complex at CQ University to assist those members who are looking for somewhere to come & enjoy each others company

Donation for Christmas Hamper

Appreciation of Hopkins Bros.
Les Brookes (Vice President Rocky Men’s Shed) presenting Robert Hopkins with a Certificate of Appreciation at his office. Les nearly lost his head