15 March 2025

Progress Report on the New Shed Build

Sharing is caring!

Everything is moving along significantly with the erection of the first Shed, which will be a work area for woodwork and metal works. Building and Compacting is due to commence within the next week or so. When this is completed the Concreter will move in.

As everything moves to plan – allocating ourselves onto the new Shed is getting closer. These are exciting times for our members and for the community as well.

The organisation has been successful in winning some grants; namely from the Community Benefits Fund, which will go towards the next Slab (Cement Foundation). Benefits from the Rockhampton Region Council will help with our first Shed. Many thanks towards these two organisations for the grants.

Last week saw the success of the BBQ event that showcased many exhibitions from many other Shed organisations around the region. With that success the Ladies Auxiliary must also be thanked in helping with the preparation.

Their display of artistic ceramic ornaments showcased the talent involved in implementing certain Ceramic crafts. let’s not forget their do diligence in helping with fundraising.

Which is why they will have their own separate section of the new Shed. The section will house many of their works; (paintings, ceramics), which will be for sale at the premise. Which can also be found at the shop (products) section of our website.

If you would like to be a member of our Ladies Auxiliary; please phone 049 722 1121 for more information.