Current Location
Buildings 1,2,3 Darumbel Rd CQ University North Rockhampton, QLD 4701
Phone Number 0497 221 121 Open Hours 8.00am — 12.30pm.
Email Operations:-
Postal Address
P.O. Box 3444 Red Hill North Rockhampton Queensland 4701
Opening Hours Mon- Fri 8.30am -Midday
Interviews Monday mornings where possible

Old Address new address is on Darnumbal Rd Opposite the football Field
If your interested in membership of Rockhampton Men’s Shed please feel free to contact us and set out your life experience .As well as other details reliant to your health and well being. New applications are always well received on the following basis and are not necessarily reliant on trade skills. Other skills such as It, art, wood burning, singing, cooking and non manual experience are things we are looking for going forward
- We do consider membership for those on a needs basis, but the membership is capped at this time due to lack of space, however we do look on every application on it’s merits and needs.
- We are an independent Not for Profit non Government Funded association.
- We as an association have a duty of care to our members.
- We also require assistance from those prospective members who have some abilities to help to assist with those projects that help with keeping the shed financially viable.
- The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc.
- , is not a service delivery organisation
- is not a health related service delivery centre
- is not managed by qualified health/education/human service personnel
- is a community based, not for profit organisation manned by volunteers who attend the Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. on a voluntary basis.

- Due to space restrictions in the small shed we are at present leasing we ask you to be patient as we are trying to build new sheds and hope to have your prospective membership dealt with as soon as possible.
- At the present time we have capped the membership due to lack of space in our existing shed.
Thank you for your interest