14 March 2025

Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc.

The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. is a recognised member of The Australian Men’s Shed Association & any content of our publications or content sourced by anyone must have the approval of our committee


The proposed floor plans of the workshops in Building 1 of our new sheds at the CQ University North Rocky Campus that will start construction on 7th January this year after a long process.

Proposed floorplan of the new shed at CQ University for The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc.

Kim Harrington presenting Jim Lawler with his Life Membership Certificate ( practicing Social Distancing) for his long tenure as President & Chairman of the Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. & his dedication to building the shed complex at the CQ University to assist with the support of men & women who need help in trying times in their life so they know they have someone from our association to help them when they need it.

Garry makes some bowls on the wood lathe for our Hampers for the Xmas Party

Ivan Moore reaches his goal of being eligible for free membership being over 85 years of age well done Ivan you have reached an elite position in the association

Reg showing the sign he has made for one of our supporters at the Base Hospital


Join the Men’s Shed

These Photos show the building being progressively built

The Shed was finally named by Desley Rial on Wednesday 9th September 2020 the morning was well attended and social distancing was adhered to.

Content of the following compliments to the CQ University Media Unit Greg Chapman




Chairman Jim Lawler has taken all the photos of the build and other events relating to the Shed activities

Above is the first part of the framework of the first shed

Below is the first slab for shed No. 1 laid on 10/8/2020

Below is the formwork for Sheds 1& 2

Stage 1 of the plumbing works completed ready to hook up Shed 1&2. Stage 2 will be to hook up the Sewer, Water & Power

Overview of Stage 1 of Plumbing works

The above photos are of the Plumber doing stage 1 of the plumbing so we can lay the concrete for the first two sheds. The next stage will be either shed number 2 or the sewer connection which ever comes first.

Shown below is a Gallery of the completed sheds, We are in the process of building the first shed to house the Metalwork & Woodwork sections we, now need to focus on the plumbing works to build the sewer connection. The Rockhampton Men’s Shed has funded the first part of the plumbing themselves, but lacks the funds to connect the sewer so we will now seek to fund raise enough to do the sewer.

In kind assistance is in most cases just as helpful as financial donation so if you think you can help with electrics. painting or any carpentry work or just want to help, as I have said get in touch and make us an offer we can’t refuse.

Then we will seek to fund the second shed. We have enough to do the concrete on the second shed. We are looking for several businesses to assist us with this and ask the community to help us to eventually help everyone as this project will eventually become a community hub for all in Rockhampton. If you wonder how this may happen then call us on our phone number and we will be able to advise you.

Remember in kind assistance is in most cases just as helpful as financial donation so if you think you can help with electrics. painting or any carpentry work or just want to help as I said before get in touch and make us an offer we can’t refuse.

Leveling the Block. Hopkins Bros. The Caves Quarry join with The Iwasaki Foundation to assist The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. with the third stage of the Building of the Community Precinct that will become a complex where all members of the Rockhampton Community will be able to join and become members of this great community partnership.

Checking the depth of the cables prior to starting the leveling and compaction of the land that will house our sheds at the CQ University North Rockhampton Campus. This is land held in trust by the university that we have leased from them. We are due to start on January 7th 2020

Well we are about to build the first of 3 sheds at the CQ University North Rockhampton Campus his has been a long road to here and thanks go to all that have helped us get to here.

The next step is the plumbing & electrical work. This project has been funded and Supported by Iwasaki Foundation in the first place as well as Fair Dinkum Sheds and others to great to mention at this stage but as we move forward we will be able to name them.


Rockhampton Men’s Shed is trying to build 3 new state-of-the art buildings, which will house an arts and crafts centre, wood and metal workshops, a gym and a recreation hall. Initially, we have a shortfall of $40,000 to complete the first stage of establishing the New Rockhampton Men’s Shed premises

The Land has been finally cleared of the trees

This is the land that we will build our new sheds on to house our many new and old projects into the future.

Land Before Removing Trees

Photo of the land before any work was commenced on it

We are underway, we have now cleared the underbrush from our land to allow us to start our soil testing. 

Please note that due to a surge in membership and our limited space we have regretfully had to put a cap on membership to make sure that our members are working in safe conditions. .

We will then be able to start working towards new members that have the appropriate skill levels required and also assisting those less fortunate to help them in their quest for help.

We are at present endeavoring to work towards building additional space. The sooner we are able to build these buildings the sooner we will be able to take on more people who need help

If you can assist us to move the building of these sheds along contact us and put something back into your community.

You could be a financier, banker or businessman or a tradie, such as a plumber, electrician carpenter, earthmover or just someone who wants to help us create something great for the greater Rockhampton Community, please contact us via the contact page on this website.

In the Men’s Shed environment, we recognise the above Health & Safety trap. Members of the Australian Men’s Shed Association have a DUTY OF CARE to themselves, their Shed colleagues, family members and visitors to operate safely so that afterwards we can return home to our loved ones unharmed. Mates don’t like to see each other get hurt.

Rockhampton Men’s Shed Takes Safety Seriously

The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc. View on Safety (RMS): The Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc., is a community organisation to assist men who have certain particular skills in Wood (Carpentry), Metal; An Arts and Craft work, and to provide those skills to the community – while the group focuses on retired Men, the organisation, however, accepts all ages of people.

Responsibility for Shed Safety is everyone’s business because safe operating is essential to everything we do. The Committee or authorised persons who establish and oversee Men’s Shed operations and the members that supervise activities, have a key role in requiring that safe practices are followed.

Members who use the Men’s Shed facilities have a corresponding duty to comply with safe practices and adjust any unsafe practices accordingly.

The Future in Safety:

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In August of this year at the BBQ event convention; the Rockhampton Men’s Shed showcased the New Bench saw tecnologogy that stops at 5 mili-seconds upon touching flesh. This new safety mechanism paves the way in future safety.

the future in safety

Rockhampton Men’s Shed Inc.
President Jim Lawler
Secretary Treasurer Marion Lawler
Senior Vice President Barry Kajewski
Junior Vice President
Bruce Ogle

Contact Phone Number 0497221121

Be Advised

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